Desperately Need a Date Night? Not ready to leave baby? We've got you covered!

One thing we hear often is how much you and your significant other need some time together. A simple date night would be amazing but you simply aren’t ready to leave your baby yet. We understand and we’ve got you covered! We are sharing 10 wonderful date night ideas with you today. The beauty? You can do them all from the comfort of your home with the baby monitor so you can keep an eye on your little one. Sound good? Great! Let’s get started!!!

  1. Board games for 2! Grab a few snacks, maybe a drink or two and a few of your favorite board games and make a night of it!

  2. Have a theme date night. Choose a theme and have a dinner and movie that go along with that theme. Super fun! *Bonus points if your outfit matches that theme.

  3. Order in takeout and eat it by candlelight. Who says you can’t have a romantic dinner at home?!

  4. Take a trip down memory lane. Pull out those pictures and maybe even some home videos and spend the evening talking and reminiscing.

  5. Watch the Sunset together. Life is busy and even more so with a new baby. Sometimes we just need a few minutes to reset. Sneak a few minutes away together and watch the sunset one evening.

  6. Listen to songs from when you first met, when you were first dating or newly married. Take the week and put together a play list especially for this night. Take an evening and listen to the playlist together. Talk about what memory the songs bring back. Such a fun date night!!

  7. Have a picnic in your back yard. If you have a projector you can even make it dinner and a movie.

  8. Spend an evening asking each other questions. Sometimes it can be hard to connect after having a baby. Life gets a little more busy and you are trying to find the right balance for you relationship and your family. You may not know where to start and that’s OK. There are great couple focused questions books that are wonderfully helpful. They help keep the conversation fun and you end up learning new things about each other.

  9. Make a craft together. If you enjoy being crafty and haven’t had the time do it together! Share your hobby with your partner. It will likely lead to some laughs and that is always a good thing!

  10. Take the evening and create a bucket list together. Include all the things you want to do as a couple and as a family. Taking the time to talk about your hopes and dreams and what the future looks like for your family is amazing. This list will be treasured and will be such a wonderful thing to have! It’s something that can be revisited and added to over the years.

We hope that you found a idea you can use for date night this week! If you’ve had a date at home that you loved please share it with us below! We can always use some new ideas!!


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