Looking for a quick breakfast idea? We're sharing one of our favorites today!

Life with a new baby is busy! You wake up to your hungry baby and jump into action taking care of every need your little one has. Before you know it you look at the clock and it’s one in the afternoon and you haven’t had as much as a bite of toast. Or maybe you stuck the bread in the toaster and before it was done your little one woke up and the thoughts of breakfast disappear as you start your day together. We have found that having something that can be prepped the night before that is ready in the morning and is easy to grab and eat with one hand can really be helpful! One of our favorite breakfast’s to prep and have available for a few days is overnight oats. Today we would like to share one of our favorite recipes with you!

Peanut Butter Overnight Oats.

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened plain almond milk (You can substitute for whatever milk you and your family love.)

  • 3/4 Tbsp chia seeds

  • 2 Tbsp peanut butter (You can substituent for any nut butter you like! We’ve also used Pb2 and it was delish!)

  • 1 Tbsp organic brown sugar (You can substitute with your favorite sweetener.)

  • 1/2 cup rolled oats (Of course if you don’t have rolled oats any oats will work.)

Optional Toppings:

  • Chocolate chips/chunks! (My personal favorite! I mean it’s chocolate and peanut butter!! YUM!)

  • Banana

  • Strawberries


  1. In a mason jar add milk, chia seeds, peanut butter and your choice of sweetener. Mix together. The peanut butter doesn’t need to be mixed in completely.

  2. Add oats and stir a few more times. Push the oats down with a spoon to insure the oats are immersed in the mixture.

  3. Cover with lid or seal and stick in fridge overnight to set/soak.

  4. In the morning open, add your choice of topping and enjoy!

    ** If you enjoy warm oats feel free to warm up in the microwave for 30 seconds or so. If your oats are too thick/dry just add a little bit more milk.

We hope you LOVE these oats! If you have a favorite recipe or add something to this one please share it with us in the comments!


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