Can My Doula Help My Child Adjust To A New Sibling?

Absolutely and in honor of National Sibling Day we are sharing how we do just that!

As Postpartum and Infant Care Doulas we support the entire family. While this is an exciting time for everyone it is also a period of adjustment. Your child is so important and it is important to us that we provide care to them as well.

So how do we do this?

When we come meet your family we will ask about your children. We will talk about each of your children and discuss what adjustment plans you have. If you are looking for some advice we are happy to offer suggestions and will help with them if you would like.

Each time we come to your home we will spend a few minutes saying hello and interacting with your child before we begin. We like to be engaged with your children and want them to know that we are there for them as much as we are the rest of the family.

While you rest or have a meal we enjoy spending time with your children. This gives us the opportunity to talk about this new experience and help them adjust to their sibling. Often times this is where we find out that they are interested and want to be involved but are nervous or don’t know how.

This is where we SHINE with siblings!

We will encourage your child to help us help the family. This can look like a lot of different things.

Maybe it looks like:

  • Picking something out for the baby to wear.

  • Helping to get the baby dressed.

  • Bringing us a diaper or helping to change it.

  • Helping us stock the nursery.

  • Feeding the baby.

Or maybe it’s something like:

  • Smiling at or talking to their sibling.

  • Creating a activity box with special activities and toys that they get to play with when baby eats.

  • Holding the baby or holding a hand/foot.

  • Reading to the baby

  • and so many more.

While all of these ways to be involved are wonderful we also know that sometimes these siblings need some one on one time. Just a few minutes with someone who will concentrate on them and do something they enjoy doing. Sometimes we are that person and sometimes we are the person that takes care of the baby so that you can spend some special time with them.

We understand that each child and family has different needs and we are prepared to provide exceptional support to you and your family!


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