The Many Colors of Breast Milk!

You’ve just pumped or hand expressed and your breast milk is a color that you didn’t expect. Don’t be alarmed! Breast milk can come in a variety of colors.

Most often breast milk goes from breast to your baby’s tummy and we don’t see what it really looks like. What we aren’t seeing are the changes in color and composition that are ever changing to meet your baby or babies needs.

Breast milk often appears anywhere from clear to a dark yellow. It can also be normal for it to look light blue, off white, green or slightly orange. In the first few days you may have a temporary tinge of red to your milk as the milk moves through your ducts. This is completely normal. If you continue to have a tinge of red or pink past a few days check in with your doctor and lactation consultant.

These changes in color can be due to a change in composition, vitamins you’ve taken, food you have eaten or the last time you emptied your breasts. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to your care provider, lactation consultant or your friends here at En Route Doulas. We are all here and ready to support you in any way that we can.

Please remember, you are exactly what your baby needs! While these next few days, weeks, and months may be challenging you are perfect for the job. If you need extra support, please reach out. We are here and ready to help when you need us!


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